Multi-door Enquiry For multiple door enquiries, please fill in the form below: Select the door type > enter quantity > select the options > select Installation (if required) Add another door Repeat! Company Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Telephone number (required) Customer Location (required) [repeater Door1 min:1 max:10 add "Add Door" remove "Remove Door"] Select Door Please select:Hinged EcoHinged StandardHinged Double LeafHinged Controlled AtmosphereSliding SCRSCR LiteAutomatic SCRControlled AtmosphereVerticalDisplayStandard PersonnelPolypropylene PersonnelPersonnel HatchFiresealFireslamFire Shutter15mm Polyethylene40mm PolypropylenePersonnel SwingSteel DoorFlexible PVCRapid RiseSectionalRoller ShutterInsulated RigidDock ShelterFire ShutterFire Rated Fixed WindowFixed WindowSliding WindowDock ShelterDock levellersDock House [group Hinged_Eco disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Accessories Door closerKickplatesVision PanelLock Door handling LeftRightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Hinged_Standard disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Accessories Door closerKickplatesVision PanelLock Door handing LeftRightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Steel_Door disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) What fire rating? (details) Accessories Door closerKickplatesVision PanelLock Door handling LeftRight Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Hinged_Double_Leaf disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Door handing Left ActiveRight ActiveTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Hinged_Controlled_Atmosphere disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Door handing LeftRightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Sliding_SCR disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Door handing Sliding LeftSliding RightTBC Accessories Lock Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group SCR_Lite disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (details) Panel Thickness (details) Door handling Sliding LeftSliding RightTBC Accessories Lock Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Automatic_SCR disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Accessories Lock Operation Push buttonPull cordRadar Door handling Sliding LeftSliding RightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Controlled_Atmosphere_Sliding disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Door handling Sliding LeftSliding RightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Vertical disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Display disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Standard_Personnel disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Accessories Door closerKickplatesVision PanelLock Frame Type ClampFixed Door handling LeftRightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Polypropylene_Personnel disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Accessories Door closerKickplatesVision PanelLock Frame Type ClampFixed Door handling LeftRightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Personnel_Hatch disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Frame Type ClampFixed Accessories Lock Door handling LeftRightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Personnel_Fireseal disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Accessories Door closerKickplatesVision PanelLock Door handling LeftRightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Fireslam disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Accessories Door closerKickplatesVision Panel Door handling LeftRightTBC Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Fire_Shutter disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) What Fire Rating? (details) Structure Type Block workSteel work Motor handling LeftRight Installation Included [/group] [group Doors_Fire_Rated_Fixed_Window disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) What Fire Rating? (details) Glazing DoubleSingle Structure Type Block workSteel workInsulated Panel Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_15mm_Polyethylene disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Frame Type ClampFixed Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_40mm_Polyethylene disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Frame Type ClampFixed Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Personnel_Swing disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Frame Type ClampFixed Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Flexible_PVC disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Frame Type ClampFixed Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Doors_Rapid_Rise disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Motor handling LeftRight Installation Included [/group] [group Doors_Sectional disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Motor handling LeftRight Installation Included [/group] [group Roller_Shutter disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Motor handling LeftRight Installation Included [/group] [group Dock_Shutter disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) [/group] [group Dock_Levellers disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Installation Included [/group] [group Dock_House disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) [/group] [group Sliding_Window disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Panel Thickness (details) Glazing SingleDouble Installation Supply OnlyInstallation Required [/group] [group Insulated-Rigid disable_on_hide] Quantity Size (Width x Height) Motor handling LeftRight Installation Included [/group] [/repeater]
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0845 00 66 777